Rocky Jones Wiki


Cleolanthe crash of moons

Caption: Cleolanta in "Crash of Moons"
Portrayed By: Patsy Parsons
First Appearance: Beyond The Curtain Of Space
Last Appearance: Crash of Moons
Affiliations: Ophiuchus

Cleolanta was Suzerain of the planet Ophiuchus, and later New Ophiuchus.

"Suzerain" roughly translates as "controller of foreign affairs," and is similar to a fuedal lord which recieves tribute from the people.

Cleolanta made sure her planet remained isolated from the rest of the universe. She made sure her people were never made aware of the true conditions of the rest of the space worlds for fear that they might want to leave. Having a few control issues, Cleolanta ensured her reign and controlled her people with a sort of hypnotic machine to sway their opinions and alter their personalities.

Cleolanta longed for a man who could equal her in mind and coldness. Imprisoning men who failed to meet her expectations ensured that all available men were either beneath her. Alternatively, some were sent to distant outposts too far removed to be available to provide an heir (or rival) to her throne.

Cleolanta went through several underlings. Darganto was her first - and most failed - assistant. He was captured by United Worlds while trying to conquer another planet. He was replaced by Atlasand, who did everything he could for his Suzerainne, including killing a planet's people to save his own.

Cold hearted as she may have been, Cleolanta was secretly in love with Rocky Jones. In Rocky Jones she found the strength of character she longed for, and had their philosophies not been so diametrically opposed, the two might have hit it off.

In "Crash of Moons,” Cleolanta softens near the end. It was her last appearance in the series.

Spelling of the name Cleolanta?[]

The spelling of the name Cleolanta is curious. There are no character names listed in the first season, and Cleolanta does not wear a name tag or have her name spelled on camera. She also does not appear in the second season, when the show began displaying character name spellings. Web sites and blogs differ on the correct spelling (Cleolante, Cleolanda, Qeolandtra, etc). The Rocky Jones Comic Books spells the character’s name as "Cleolanthe" and her title as "Suzerainne.” But publicity photos issued during the show’s run have the (handwritten) spelling as "Cleolanta.” Every person in the Rocky Jones television series clearly pronounces it "klee-oh-LAHN-ta.” One plausible origin of the character’s name is the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra: a beautiful woman who commanded all she saw, and was no man's fool or puppet. Cleopatra died from an alleged self inflicted snake bite - Cleolanta softened to a more approachable human character who would most likely not self destruct.    


Best Lines[]

"Atlasand! ATLASAND!!!"
